Thursday, 25 November 2010

Beta Tank - Taxing Art

I saw someone had blogged a chair by Beta Tank just like this table which reminded me I had seen these people in Basel. A really interesting take on the Art-Design debate. This is a table but once you turn the squares over to make lots of pyramids it loses it's function and is now art. Meaning in Germany initially it would be taxed as a functional object at 19%. Turn the pyramids and it will be taxed 7% as a work of art.

The same is true of this box of hammers/work of art/coffee table. On the way to basel someone on the border will have decided which category this fits into.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christoph Thetard - R2B2

This is Christoph Thetard's final project at Bauhaus-University Weimar.

Designed to reduce energy use in the kitchen a foot pedal and flywheel power a coffee grinder, food processer and hand blender. Looks like something Brunel would make...

Has other nice work at

Friday, 19 November 2010

Sylvia Pichler

Nice lamps...

Used to have some of this tape kicking about the flat. Missed opportunity...

Monday, 15 November 2010

Giles Miller - Cardboard Collection

Stuff I'm sure everyone has seen before, but it's news to me...

I've spent weeks cutting corrugated cardboard. I hate the stuff! But these are quite nice

KAMKAM - An Furniture

De-constructable furniture based on the ratios of A-sized paper. I like things that transform...not so keen on the hinges though.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

ASAP - Jean Marie Massaud

Just Saw these

I like being able to see a bit of the structure. I think you are able to rearrange the way the structure slots together to give different sized units. Which is nice...

Monday, 8 November 2010

Estelle Sauvage - Kettle

Incandescent light bulb now banned in France, put to new use by Estelle Sauvage. I was briefly looking at ways of reusing the incandescent light bulbs a couple of years ago as more and more countries ban them. I did not think of this, damn it!

Apparently heats to 90C perfect for tea...

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Postler Ferguson

Saw these buoy lamps, I love that complex structure and the scale.

Remind me a little of the Studio Job Crane, at least the structure does. (total non- website, annoying)

This is also by Postler Ferguson. A model of a concord engine. I like technical drawings, cut-throughs etc so this is interesting. Mammoth task to take on aswel!