Friday, 29 October 2010

Montante for Maserati 8CTF

Celebrating the 70th aniversary of a Maserati winning the Indy 500 (I think...). Beautiful anyway. I love the curve on the seat tube.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Friday, 22 October 2010

Design Academy Eindhoven - Pigs

I love the Dutch, they are properly weird.

This is a trophy for the graduating students at the Design Academy Eindhoven. The head comes apart in slices to give each student a little medal. Nice

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

tokujin yoshioka

Sensing nature.

Isn't this nice...
Not trying to be too intelligent and arty and hard to engage with, just beautiful.

Gaetano Pesce - A nice quote

"I understand exactly what Baudrillard said about contemporary art. He said, I'm sure people don't understand but they are scared to say that they don't understand because if they say that then they are ignorant, so it's better to say, "oh very interesting!" But nobody says "why?" because the moment you do that you break down this huge structure of conformism. - Gaetano Pesce.

I do not understand.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Sophie Kirkpatrick

I like the use of contours, something I've been using for inspiration recently too.

A really cute little desk, I could do with one of these

AFF schutzhutte am fichtelberg

I love the way they have created a ghost image of the hut that used to stand here by using the old hut as the mould to cast the concrete!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Kenyon Yeh

Excellent idea, som much more interesting than you're usual IKEA furniture

Rohan Chhabra
Funny object

Robbie Henderson

I love this concept. When we have killed all the animals how will we replace them. A feather to cross pollinate flowers. Pretty little object raising a serious issue.

Siren Elise Wilhelmsen

This is an amazing object. A scarf gets knitted over a year. Representaion of the passing of time in a completely new an interesting way!

Kristine Bjaadal

I really like this, turning a little disaster into something beautiful